Thank Henry Ford . . it’s the weekend!


It’s been a long, busy week in our showroom and at the bench.

We love working and helping customers, but we also enjoy having some time off on the weekend.

Have you ever stopped to wonder who invented weekends? As much as we love weekends, would you believe that they’ve only been around for less than 100 years?

During the Industrial Revolution, factories needed to be running around the clock so employees during this era frequently worked between 10-16 hour days. In the 1920s however, it was Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company, that established the 5-day, 40-hour work week.

Even though the federal government didn’t begin to limit companies to a 40-hour work week until 1938, Ford began to give his factory workers a two-day weekend in the early 1900s.

Ford recognized that the economy got a boost if workers have a couple of days off each week to purchase goods and enjoy using them.

Hope you have a great weekend! The forecast calls for snow but you can still enjoy your time off! There is so much to do here in Longmont and in Boulder County.

Our dear friend, Peter owner of Anvil Distillery just stopped by to say hi. If you’re in the mood for amazing hand crafted spirits, check out their tasting room…you’ll be amazed!