Slip into some Ruby Red Slippers

Would Dorothy’s shoes have been as powerful if they were any other color? Probably not. But in L. Frank Baum’s original novel, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Dorothy actually wore Silver Shoes! The movie’s creators changed them to ruby red not only to take advantage of the new Technicolor film process–but also because Ruby is known as the ‘King of Gemstones’, both for its rarity, as well as beauty. Due to its bright red color, it is held in high esteem as a symbol of love, strength, power, and luck–and boy did Dorothy need all the luck, love, strength and power she could get!

Ruby is the birthstone for July and gemstone for the 15th and 40th anniversary. Ruby’s day is Tuesday, its season summer, and its Apostle St. Matthew. It is one of the hardest and most durable gemstones ranking a 9 out of 10 on Mohs hardness scale.

Most rubies are mined in Burma, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Africa.

Ruby has been the gem of the brave and the royal throughout the ages. It was worn by kings to give them power and to protect them from evil. With its deep red color it evokes love and passion. Ancient cultures believed it’s warmth and luminosity came from an internal flame that cannot be extinguished, making a gift of this stone symbolic of everlasting love–and with its hardness and durability, it is a perfect engagement or wedding gem. Recently married Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg chose a beautiful ruby with diamonds hugging each side of the stone. He’s a smart guy and probably knew the power of rubies in health, wealth, wisdom, and success in love!

The bold and beautiful birthstone of July is truly iconic. Transparent rubies of large sizes are even rared than Diamonds.

The word Ruby comes from the Latin “ruber,” meaning red. They are part of the family of minerals called corundum – which encompasses all sapphires. It is only separated from other sapphires by it’s color.

Anyone fortunate enough to own a ruby should ensure the stone is always appreciated. When neglected or overlooked a ruby will become lackluster and dull. A ruby is said to be very symbolic of its owner, and its value is important in the relationship between the owner and the gem. This belief reflects attitudes towards those loved ones, because a nurturing, loving relationship is strong, healthy and vibrant – all the qualities to be expected from the King of Gemstones.

Stop by our family owned jewelry store in Longmont, Gold Market Diamond Jewelers has a wide selection of fabulous rubies to choose from. We specialize in custom design, redesign and re-purposing of gems, and can transform jewelry you like into jewelry you love!

Have a happy and safe summer–and remember, think rubies!

“And they were stronger hands than mine
that digged the Ruby from the earth —
More cunning brains that made it worth
The large desire of a king.”
-Rudyard Kipling

“A Dedication to ‘Soldiers Three’