Looking back: April & Diamonds

Time goes by so fast. We are taking time to go back a month to talk about a very important gemstone, the Diamond…


Many people look forward to the month of April when the weather finally turns warm and flowers bloom. But if you’re a jewelry lover, April is the best month of the year because the birthstone is the Diamond—the king of the gemstones.

A diamond seems simple in its shape and color—but it is remarkably complex in its ability to reflect and refract light, turning the visual spectrum into a dazzling display of rainbow colors.
Diamonds have been studied more closely by gemologists than perhaps any other stone, and have been the number one gem in the world for many decades.

Once an adornment possessed only by kings, this beautiful gem is surrounded by romance, mystery, and passion. The word “diamond” comes from the Greek word “adamastos,” which means “invincible.” Diamonds were believed by the ancient Greeks to hold magical powers. In fact, it was thought that they may be splinters of stars fallen to earth, tears of the gods, or perhaps crystallized lightening. Diamonds were worn into battle by kings, as a symbol of strength and courage, and kept as talismans against poisoning, devils, and phantoms. A diamond is also said to bring its owner wealth and happiness as well as protection.

In terms of durability, the diamond is a perfect “10”, simply the hardest substance found in nature, and four times harder than the next hardest natural mineral, corundum (sapphire and ruby). Nothing can scratch a diamond other than another diamond. Diamonds are formed deep under the earth’s crust, under tremendous heat and pressure. Carbon molecules react to that pressure by crystallizing and turning in diamonds, which are then brought to the earth’s surface by volcanic activity. Once near the surface, all it takes is a few diamonds to wash up in a river for the establishment of a mine and the discovery of billions of dollars worth of diamonds. Although diamonds were first mined in India, today diamonds are found in Australia, Africa and Russia, and even in Arkansas in the USA.

“A diamond is a chunk of coal that is made good under pressure.”
-Henry Kissinger

From stunning stones flashed by movie stars at award shows, to the modest engagement ring of a young bride, the diamond continues to enjoy great popularity among all. Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor summed up this universal love of diamonds when she remarked, “I have never hated a man enough to give his diamonds back.”

A gift of a Diamond is symbolic of everlasting love. There is no more convincing a promise of an enduring relationship than the brilliant gemstone that has endured in people’s hearts throughout the ages.

Stop by Gold Market Diamond Jewelers for your next diamond purchase. We have a wide selection in-stock to meet your every need, and we can tell you more about the Red Box Diamond® Trade-Up Program and free loss protection for one full year, making sure your diamond is properly protected against theft, loss, or mysterious disappearance.
See http://www.redboxdiamonds.com