“If one really loves nature, one can find beauty everywhere…”


It’s official. Hunting season is in full swing in Colorado.
His and Hers camo
We now carry an assortment of jewelry for that special someone who loves the outdoors.





Camouflage rings inlayed with Mossy Oak, Realtree or Infinity . . . the latest from the jewelry industry’s premier supplier of alternative metal wedding bands. The Camo patterns are on anodized aluminum, and jewelry can be made in Titanium, Black Zirconium or Cobalt Chrome.


Winner of multiple design awards, with a lifetime guarantee and insurance program make this a great choice.




Stop by to take a look at Gold Market Diamond Jewelers. We’re on 17th & Pace, next to Safeway.


“More than half the intense enjoyment of fly-fishing (or hunting) is derived from the beautiful surroundings, the satisfaction felt from being in the open air, the new lease of life secured thereby, and the many, many pleasant recollections of all one has seen, heard and done.”